Vote to approve the request from the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to reduce the number of members on the committee from eleven to seven and move Lenore Yarger from a District 4 appointment to an At-Large appointment and amended the Advisory Board Policy
Introduction & Background: The Transportation Advisory Committee was established as part of the Advisory Committee policy to meet as needed to:
1. Provide input in the development of the County's Comprehensive Transportation Plan every five to ten years as NCDOT requests.
2. Provide input in NCDOT's transportation project prioritization process within the county.
3. Provide guidance on major transportation projects or related issues of concern as assigned by the Board of Commissioners, Planning Department, or TAC Chairs.
Membership of the committee is to be assessed every two years to identify and fill vacancies.
The committee currently has a total of eleven (11) voting members and up to eight (8) non-voting members. Each commissioner appoints two (2) voting members from a list of recommended candidates to ensure geographic representation. The non-voting members (up to eight) may represent Chatham County government, Chatham Transit Network, incorporated towns in the county or other appropriate organizations.
Discussion & Analysis: Since the committee meets as needed, maintaining membership has been an issue. Currently the committee has five (5) vacancies. At the Thursday, July 25 meeting the committee discussed the number of members and approved the recommendation to the Board of Commissioners to lower the number of appointments from eleven (11) to seven (7) voting members, with each commissioner appointing one (1) voting member.
The recommended committee membership would be the following:
Michael Dillon
District 1
Michael Dillon
District 1
Ed Regan
District 2
Ed Regan
District 2
Keith McLaurin
District 3
Keith McLaurin
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