Vote to accept $50,000 in additional aid to County funding from NCDHHS (ARPA Temporary Savings Fund for Public Health Services) to support delivery of essential public health services
Introduction & Background: This funding, provided through budget receipts transferred from the ARPA Temporary Savings fund and made available through the NCGA 2023 Appropriations Act, HB 259, provides a $50,000 grant in each year of the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium to each local health department to support activities authorized under the General Aid-to-Counties Agreement Addendum including the delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services per GS § 130A-1.1.1, the core functions of public health (Assessment, Policy Development, Assurance), and the specific health needs or health status indicators selected by each local health department.
Discussion & Analysis: These funds may be used for any public health program or purpose, any locally identified need or current health status indicator, and to support the delivery of the core functions of public health and 10 Essential Public Health Services. The Chatham County Public Health Department will utilize this funding for staff professional development and to support projects including the planned electronic health record system transition and public health communications campaigns.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Aligns with Plan Goal #10: To foster a healthy community.
Budgetary Impact: None.
Recommendation/Motion: Motion to accept $50,000 in additional Aid to County funding from NCDHHS (ARPA Temporary Savings Fund for Public Health Services) to support delivery of essential public health services.