| 1 | | Agenda Item | Recognize Chatham County Retiree Cynthia Ellington | | |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Receive a presentation concerning a potential utility merger of Chatham County and TriRiver Water (Sanford) | referred | |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Receive a presentation on the Chatham County Cooperative Extension Horticulture Program | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Receive the quarterly update on American Rescue Plan Act Funds | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Receive a presentation from the Conservation Working Group | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt a resolution approving the 2025 Board of Commissioners Meeting and Budget Calendars | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to go into closed session pursuant to § 143-318.11 (a)(6) to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to come out of closed session | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the October 18, 2021 Work and Regular Session Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the December 8, 2021 Special Meeting Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the March 20, 2023 Regular Session Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the April 17, 2023 Regular Session Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the May 1, 2023 Regular Session Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the May 15, 2023, Regular Session Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the May 16, 2023 Budget Public Hearing Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the May 23, 2023 Budget Work Session Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Minutes | Vote to approve the July 15, 2024 Work and Regular Session Minutes | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Appointment | Vote to appoint David McKay as an Alternate member of the Board of Equalization and Review with the term expiring on December 21, 2027 | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Policies and Procedures | Vote to approve the request from the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to reduce the number of members on the committee from eleven to seven and move Lenore Yarger from a District 4 appointment to an At-Large appointment and amended the Advisory Board Policy | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Policies and Procedures | Vote to amend the Policy Guidelines for the Housing Trust Fund | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to approve competitive bid exemption and sole source under North Carolina G.S. 143-129(e)(6) for Enpira for utility data collection and management | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to approve Recreational Trails Program Grant application for the Haw River State Trail Pegg Tract Improvements | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to approve Great Trails State Grant application for the Haw River State Trail Pegg Tract Improvements | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to approve Great Trails State Grant application for Deep River State Trail Feasibility Study for Chatham County | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to approve the Sheriff’s Office grant application for Essential Personnel software | approved | Pass |
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| 2 | | Agenda Item | Vote to approve the joint application for the North Carolina State Department of Instruction's (DPI) Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund with Chatham County Schools for three capital projects - Namely, the replacement of school gymnasiums in Bennett, Bonlee, and Silk Hope (a total of three gymnasium replacements) | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to accept $50,000 in additional aid to County funding from NCDHHS (ARPA Temporary Savings Fund for Public Health Services) to support delivery of essential public health services | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to accept $7,885 in additional CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program funds to be spent on costs related to transitioning electronic medical records systems | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to accept $89,265 roll-over State funding from FY24 for Communicable Disease Pandemic Recovery | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to accept $13,222.00 in Minority Diabetes Prevention Program Funds | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to amendment the County Fee Schedule for the addition of Historic Courthouse rental | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Ordinance | Vote to approve the amendment to the American Rescue Plan Funds Grant Project Ordinance | approved | Pass |
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| 2 | | Ordinance | Vote to approve a Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget amendment for the Housing Trust Fund | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to approve Tax Releases and Refunds | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to waive the courthouse rental fee for Volunteers for Youth to hold Teen Court | approved | Pass |
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| 2 | | Contract | Vote to approve a contract with UNC Health for implementation of EPIC Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system at the Chatham County Public Health Department | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Contract | Vote to approve an agreement for client services with SphereCommerce, LLC for payment processing services related to the implementation of EPIC Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system at the Chatham County Public Health Department | approved | Pass |
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| 2 | | Contract | Vote to approve amendment #1 to the Southern Health Partners contract for the Sheriff’s Office Detention Center | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Contract | Vote to approve an agreement with Central Carolina Community College a joint-use of the Chatham Community Library | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with North Carolina Department of Information Technology (NCDIT) for Completing Access to Broadband Program (CAB) Allocation | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Contract | Vote to approve the Option to Purchase a Conservation Easement between Chatham County and Pokeberry Mitigation LLC on the 1.5 acres for the Pokeberry Creek and tributaries restoration project | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Contract | Vote to approve an agreement to purchase property in ownership of the Chatham County Board of Education located on JS Waters School Road at a value of $23,560.00 | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Vote to adopt a resolution declaring property surplus and authorizing the conveyance to Chatham Habitat for Humanity | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt a resolution authorizing the sale for a right of way and a permanent utility easement totaling 0.037 acres on county-owned property located at 2855 Old US 1 in Moncure to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for $5,050 | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt a resolution for the addition of streets into the Briar Chapel Subdivision | adopted | Pass |
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| 4 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt a resolution amending the Chatham County Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy | adopted | Pass |
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| 2 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt the resolution approving the amendment for a Special Use Permit revision to remove Condition No. 5 from the original approval which prohibits schools from locating in the facility when there are any industrial uses operating at the same time of the requested by Jordan Lake Business Park, Parcel 17706, located at 1434 Farrington Rd., being approximately 5.701 acres, for a Special Use Permit revision to remove Condition No. 5 from the original approval which prohibits schools from locating in the facility when there are any industrial uses operating at the same time | adopted | Pass |
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| 2 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt the ordinance amending the zoning ordinance to approve a request by Roy Tripp on Parcel 19435, located at 3060 Lystra Rd., being approximately 6.05 acres, from MH-NC mobile home non-conforming to R-1 Residential, Williams Township and adopt the resolution approving the following consistency statement: The rezoning of the property to R-1 Residential is in keeping with Rural areas through the preservation of rural character | adopted | Pass |
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| 2 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance for the request by Drafting and Design Services, Inc on behalf of BOHG Financial, LLC, to rezone Parcel 5132, located at 4133 Old US 1, being approximately 1.331 acres, from R-1 Residential to General Use Neighborhood Business (NB), Cape Fear Township and adopt a resolution approving the following consistency statement: This rezoning is consistent with Plan Moncure by being located within an Employment Center node that encourages a mix of uses being office, industrial and supporting retail and industrial uses | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt and present a resolution honoring Hispanic Heritage Month in Chatham County | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt and present a resolution honoring Betty Jo Sanders | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | Resolution | Vote on a legislative request by Qunity, PA to rezone Parcels 2752, 93852, 18909 from CD-CC Conditional District Compact Community to R-1 Residential, being a total of approximately 46.607 acres, located of US 15-501 N, Baldwin Township | referred | |
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| 1 | | Resolution | Vote on a legislative request by Qunity, PA to rezone Parcels 18750, 18896, 18897 from CD-CC Conditional District Compact Community to CD-O&I Conditional District Office & Institutional for a church/place of worship, being a total of 50.117 acres, located at 9780 US 15-501 N, Williams Township | referred | |
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| 1 | | Resolution | Vote to adopt a resolution approving an amendment to an Interlocal Agreement between Chatham and the City of Sanford for the provision of water and wastewater infrastructure to the Chatham-Siler City Advanced Manufacturing Site (CAM Site) area | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Receive a presentation with staff’s proposal for scheduling joint meetings of the Chatham County Board of Commissioners and other local elected boards | approved | |
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| 1 | | Agenda Item | Discuss and vote on the final list of legislative goals to submit to the NCACC by August 23, 2024 | approved | |
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