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Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/19/2021 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Historic Courthouse Courtroom
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-3862 2 ResolutionVote on a request to approve a legislative rezoning request by Scott Pearce dba For Garden Sake to add Parcel 62824 being two acres to the existing Parcel 19644 being approximately 19.25 acres to expand existing services and utilize the decommissioned O’Kelly Chapel Church as part of the expansion. Both parcels to be recombined and rezoned from Conditional Use Business 1 and R-1 Residential to Conditional District Regional Business (CD-RB) for lawn and garden shop, landscape business, and event center limited. Williams Township.adoptedPass Action details Not available
21-3862 2 ResolutionVote on a request to approve a legislative rezoning request by Scott Pearce dba For Garden Sake to add Parcel 62824 being two acres to the existing Parcel 19644 being approximately 19.25 acres to expand existing services and utilize the decommissioned O’Kelly Chapel Church as part of the expansion. Both parcels to be recombined and rezoned from Conditional Use Business 1 and R-1 Residential to Conditional District Regional Business (CD-RB) for lawn and garden shop, landscape business, and event center limited. Williams Township.adoptedPass Action details Not available
21-3940 1 Agenda ItemVote on a Request to Approve a Pyrotechnics Display at the Silk Hope Ruritan’s Club, 4221 Silk Hope Rd, Siler City NC, 27344 on July 24, 2021.approvedPass Action details Not available
21-3942 1 Agenda ItemVote on a Request to Approve Order of Collection for 2021 Property Taxes.approvedPass Action details Not available
21-3943 1 ResolutionVote on a Request to Approve Annual Settlement and Resolution, Charging the Tax Collector with Collections of Delinquent TaxesadoptedPass Action details Not available
21-3945 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to approve Tax Releases and RefundsapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-3944 1 Policies and ProceduresVote on a request to adopt the County’s Continuing Disclosure Policy in compliance with continuing disclosure obligations under SEC Rule 15c2-12approvedPass Action details Not available
21-3949 1 AppointmentVote on a request to approve reappointments to the Library Advisory CommitteeapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-3953 1 AppointmentVote on a request to approve the appointment of John Barlow to the Recreation Advisory CommitteeapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-3954 1 AppointmentVote on a request to approve the appointment of Alex West to the Planning BoardapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-3955 1 AppointmentVote on a request to approve the reappointment of Matt Alexander to the Transportation Advisory CommitteeapprovedPass Action details Not available
21-3947 1 ContractVote on request to approve the Interlocal Agreement between the Town of Pittsboro, Chatham County and the City of Sanford to complete a Preliminary Engineering Report that will identify necessary infrastructure to convey treated water from the City of Sanford Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to Chatham County’s Triangle Innovation Point (TIP) and the Town of Pittsboro and approve Dan LaMontagne, County Manager, to sign the agreement on behalf of the County.approvedPass Action details Not available
21-3950 1 Agenda ItemChatham County Family and Consumer Sciences Program Update   Action details Video Video
21-3948 1 Agenda ItemPresentation of the 2019-2020 Chatham County Greenhouse Gas Inventory Results   Action details Video Video
21-3952 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to designate one voting delegate and one alternate voting delegate to attend the NCACC 114th Annual Conference Business Session in New Hanover County on August 14, 2021.approvedPass Action details Video Video