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Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/17/2016 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Historic Courthouse Courtroom
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Agenda Packet 10.17.16
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-1895 1 Agenda ItemReceive presentation from Family Violence Rape Crisis (FVRC).   Action details Video Video
16-1891 1 Agenda ItemChatham County Climate Change Advisory Committee Presentation on Natural Capital Update   Action details Video Video
16-1893 1 Agenda ItemChatham County Climate Change Advisory Committee Presentation on Education and Outreach   Action details Video Video
16-1892 1 Agenda ItemChatham County Climate Change Advisory Committee Presentation on Sustainable BuildingsapprovedPass Action details Video Video
16-1894 1 Agenda ItemChatham County Climate Change Advisory Committee Update on The Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Project   Action details Video Video
16-1863 1 Agenda ItemPresentation to the Board of Commissioners to receive feedback on options for Chatham County to address litter.   Action details Video Video
16-1885 1 Agenda ItemClosed Session to discuss matters relating to economic development and attorney/client privilege.approvedPass Action details Video Video
16-1873 1 MinutesVote on a request to approve the September 19, 2016 Work and Regular Session minutes, the September 29, 2016 Special Meeting minutes, and the September 29, 2016 Joint Elected Officials Meeting minutes.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1727 1 Agenda ItemVote on a Request to Approve a Pyrotechnics Display at the Bennett Baptist Church, 68 E. Bonlee Street, Bennett, NC 27208, on October 22, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1728 1 AppointmentVote on a request to approve the appointment of Mr. Jay Farrell to the Firefighter’s Relief Fund Board of Trustees for the Pittsboro Fire & Rescue Department.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1886 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to approve a change to the Advisory Policy Addendum A to add members to the Climate Change Advisory Committee.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1872 1 AppointmentVote on a request to appoint two members of the Chatham County Housing Authority.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1883 1 AppointmentVote on a request to approve two appointments to the Climate Change Committee.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1755 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to accept $2,560.57 NACCHO Retail Program Standards Mentorship Program Funds.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1801 2 ResolutionVote on a request to approve Robert Kapp for a Conditional Use Permit revision at American Self Storage located at 30 Mt. Gilead Church Rd., Parcel No. 17454, to remove three existing structures currently used for boat and RV storage to be replaced with two bi-level, climate controlled self-storage mini storage units.adoptedPass Action details Not available
16-1800 2 ResolutionVote on a request to approve the Chatham County Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for a rezoning of Parcels No. 11503 being all of 1.57 acres and No. 11505 being all of 1.46 acres, totaling 3.03 acres, located at the corner of Moncure Pittsboro Rd. and the US 1 off ramp, from R-5 and R-1 Residential zoning to NB Neighborhood Business.adoptedPass Action details Not available
16-1800 2 ResolutionVote on a request to approve the Chatham County Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for a rezoning of Parcels No. 11503 being all of 1.57 acres and No. 11505 being all of 1.46 acres, totaling 3.03 acres, located at the corner of Moncure Pittsboro Rd. and the US 1 off ramp, from R-5 and R-1 Residential zoning to NB Neighborhood Business.adoptedPass Action details Not available
16-1882 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to approve amendments to the County Management and Sheriff Retention Schedules.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1874 1 ContractVote on a Request to Approve an Amendment to the Healthcare Agreement with Southern Health Partners, Inc. and authorize the County Manager to executive the Contract.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1878 1 ContractVote on request to approve lease amendment with Rosemary Street Properties & authorize the County Manager to execute the agreement.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1877 1 ContractVote on a Request to approve a lease with the Town Of Goldston and authorize the County Manager to execute the contract.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1875 1 ContractVote on a Request to Approve a Bid Award to Bakers Waste Equipment and Authorize the County Manager to execute the contract.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1905 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to approve the Haw River Trail Environmental Enhancement Grant ProgramapprovedPass Action details Not available
16-1904 1 ContractVote on a request to approve the FirstHealth Emergency Medical Service One Year and Eight Month Agreement.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1879 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to approve the Tax Releases and Refunds.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1876 1 ResolutionVote on a request to adopt a Resolution declaring an Intent to Reimburse on the New High School, Elementary School, and Health Sciences Building ProjectsadoptedPass Action details Not available
16-1909 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to accept $10,000 from the NC Wildlife Resources Commission’s Green Growth program to supplement the comprehensive plan and amend the budget to cover the additional cost.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-1907 1 ResolutionVote on a request to adopt a Resolution Proclaiming November as Family Caregivers Month in Chatham County.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
16-1884 1 ResolutionVote on a request to adopt a Resolution Setting the Time and Place for Meetings of the Chatham County Board of Commissioners for Calendar Year 2017.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
16-1908 1 Agenda ItemVote on a request to set a public hearing on hotel incentives on Monday, November 21, 2016 at 6:00 PM.approvedPass Action details Video Video
16-1887 1 Agenda ItemHold a public hearing Monday, October 17, 2016 to receive public comment on the draft of the Chatham County’s 2017 revaluation Schedule of Values   Action details Video Video
16-1880 1 Agenda ItemHold a public hearing to receive public comment on a proposed incentive for Mountaire Farms, Inc. and vote on a request to approve proposed incentive.approvedPass Action details Video Video
16-1889 1 ResolutionVote on a request to approve Michael Gress for an amendment to the Conditional District Community Business approval, specifically Condition No. 4, for a two year extension, Parcel No. 89671, located at 162 Beaver Creek Road, New Hope Township.referred  Action details Video Video
16-1890 1 OrdinanceLegislative public hearing and/or vote on request to approve Moncure Holdings LLC for a text amendment to Section 302(E)(2) of the Chatham County Watershed Protection Ordinance to provide an option for the Cape Fear WSIV Protected Area watershed district to allow 10% of the drainage to occupy up to 70% built upon area when approved as a special non-residential intensity allocation and consideration of adoption of the proposed text amendment.approvedPass Action details Video Video
16-1888 1 ResolutionVote on a request by NNP Briar Chapel LLC for a Conditional Use Permit for a recreation club with a minimum lot area of five acres to be located on Parcel No. 2177 (US Steele Subdivision), located off Half Dollar Road, Baldwin Township.referred  Action details Video Video
16-1911 1 Agenda ItemInterlocal Agreement with SanfordapprovedPass Action details Video Video