Vote on a request to approve $10,000 Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge (APHA and Aetna) Award Grant Funds
Action Requested: Vote on a request to approve $10,000 Award Grant Funds
Introduction & Background:
The Health Promotion and Policy Division submitted an application for the American Public Health Association’s Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge. The application was accepted to Phase 1, which includes an award of $10,000 along with technical assistance. We can apply for Phase 2 in 2018, which includes a grand prize of $250,000.
Chatham County was one of 50 communities nationwide selected out of over 400 applicants.
Discussion & Analysis:
The funding will go to build a Health in All Policies approach in Chatham County. Specifically, the funds will be used to incorporate health into the Chatham County Comprehensive Plan and enhance data collection methods to measure health outcomes through changes in the built environment.
Budgetary Impact: No Local Funding Requested
Recommendation: Vote on a request to approve $10,000 Award Grant Funds