Vote on a request to approve the contract for the Pittsboro Downtown Master Plan and authorize the County Manager to execute the contract.
Action Requested: Vote on a request to approve contract for O’Brien/Atkins Associates, PA in the amount of $171,231 for the Pittsboro Downtown Master Plan
Introduction & Background: The County BOC has requested the development of a master plan for downtown Pittsboro.
Discussion & Analysis: The plan will project the growth of governmental departments for the next 10 - 30 years.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Directly relates to the 25 year comp plan to support the upcoming governmental infrastructure, space needs, and land use in the downtown area for the next 10-30 years as the county continues to experience exceptional growth
Budgetary Impact: $171,231
Recommendation: Motion to approve contract for O’Brien/Atkins Associates, PA in the amount of $171,231 for the Pittsboro Downtown Master Plan and authorize the County Manager to execute the contract.