Vote on a request to approve Walt Lewis for The Extra Garage Self Storage Center IV, to consist of two structures for enclosed building storage facility for dry boat storage and RV storage, located off Beaver Creek Road, parcel #'s 88772 and 17696.
Action Requested:
Request by Walt Lewis for The Extra Garage Self Storage Center IV, to consist of two structures for enclosed building storage facility for dry boat storage and RV storage, located off Beaver Creek Road, parcel #'s 88772 and 17696.
Introduction & Background:
A legislative public hearing was held on March 21, 2016 for this item. Planning staff provided an overview of the application and the applicant provided a more detailed explanation. There were four citizens who spoke in opposition to the proposal with concerns about need, lighting, and traffic and decreased property values.
Both properties are currently zoned R-1 Residential and are located within the WSIV-Critical Area watershed which limits impervious surface area to a maximum of 24%. Parcel No. 17696 is to be deed restricted as undevelopable area in order to offset the impervious surface limit on Parcel 88772 where the facility is proposed to be located. This is allowed per NCGS 143-214.5(d2) for Water Supply Watershed regulations.
This area of the county has limited soils suitable for septic systems, which makes it more desirable for development of uses such as the one proposed. However, the proposed use must meet all the standards as discussed below.
The Planning Board met on the request on May 3, 2016. There we also two landowners (Alan McConnell and Dan Titsworth) that spoke to the Board in opposition of the request. Stated reasons were the application didn't adequately address the standards of the ordinance, there are approximately 11 similar facilities within five miles of this proposed site (not confirmed by staff), lights from use of facility for adjacent property owners, drop in property values, not the right area fo...
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