Vote on a request to adopt the Chatham County Uniform Guidance Conflict of Interest Policy
Action Requested: Vote on a request to adopt the Chatham County Uniform Guidance Conflict of Interest Policy
Introduction & Background: The Office of Budget and Management (OMB) has officially implemented its Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements, commonly referred to as Uniform Guidance (UG). Local governments and public authorities that expend federal financial assistance (including USDA loans and grants, CDBG funds, FEMA Public Assistance disaster relief grants, and other programs, either directly funded or reimbursement driven) must comply with these new requirements for all fiscal years beginning on or after December 26, 2017. For Chatham County, the requirements must be met beginning on July 1, 2018 for procurement standards.
The County must have a written standard of conduct that covers conflicts of interest and the gift ban which is in place for not only its elected board but all employees and agents of the unit. The County currently follows rules set out for these areas in State statutes. However, the requirements under the UG procurement rules are more restrictive than the State.
The attached Conflict of Interest Policy provides a written standard of conduct for all employees and agents of the County to follow when expending federal funds that aligns with UG procurement standards.
Budgetary Impact: None
Recommendation: Adopt the Chatham County Uniform Guidance Conflict of Interest Policy