Receive Report and Provide Direction on Possible New Human Relations Commission
Action Requested: Receive report from staff on findings related to commissioners' interest in restarting a Human Relations Commission and provide feedback on key questions related to its mission, roles and structure.
Introduction & Background:
At its July 18, 2016 meeting, the Board of Commissioners directed staff to investigate and report back on possible recommendations for restarting a Human Relations Commission. The county first approved a Human Relations Commission in 2000, which met for several years with limited county staff support. In 2007, a human relations director was hired and worked with the commission on several major projects. The commission's bylaws were last revised in August 2010. The staff position was eliminated by the Board of Commissioners early in 2011. The commission stopped meeting soon after, but was not abolished.
On July 18, 2916, two commissioners raised the question about the possible need to restart the Human Relations Commission. Staff has researched the human relations function for the past two months and has shared results with commissioners during individual meetings. The presentation today will highlight research findings, feedback thus far from the commissioners and staff recommendations.
Discussion & Analysis:
Staff researched the human relations function since July. In October, staff shared background information and findings with commissioners during individual meetings. The presentation today will cover a summary of staff research, general feedback from commissioners at the individual meetings, staff recommendations for a Human Relations Commission (if the commissioners agree to move forward), and further direction from the commissioners. Feedback from the Board of Commissioners will determine next steps.
Budgetary Impact: Undetermined at this point.
Recommendation: Review the presentation and provide spec...
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