Vote on a request to approve recommendations for grants to recreation agencies.
Action Requested:
Vote on a request to approve recommendations for grants to recreation agencies.
Introduction & Background:
Three recreation organizations submitted application for the grants to organization agencies process. These groups included: Bonlee Recreation Park, Sprott youth Center, and The Triangle Land Conservancy. These groups presented in front of the Recreation Advisory Committee. The total amount allocated for the Grants to Organizations is $20,300 and a total of $12,300 requested this year. The description of their requests and the amount requested is listed below.
Bonlee Recreation Park
The agency requested funds to remove the old concrete, install drainage, and form and pour about 1200 square feet of a new concrete floor to lead to the area behind the first base in dugout.
Requested $4,500
Sprott Youth Center
The agency requested funds to pay for supervisory staff for open gym once per week at their youth center in Moncure.
Requested $2,800
Triangle Land Conservancy
The agency requested funds to continue to fund phase II of restoration and improvement of trails at White Pines Nature Preserve in Chatham County.
Requested $5,000
Discussion & Analysis:
The Recreation Advisory committee used the score sheet and general discussion to make their recommendations.
Bonlee Recreation Park presentation summary-
Offers softball and baseball, 100 children participated this year, funding is self sufficient, the program is made up of volunteers, Allstate-corporate sponsor. Bonlee Recreation Club donated $1,000 toward project.
Score 79. The Committee recommended $4,500
Sprott Youth Center presentation summary-
Sprott Youth Center is in a rural setting in Moncure and currently reaches a population of the county that is underserved. They established gym rules and changed the open gym times to accommodate youth for an hour and then the adults fo...
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