Affordable Rental Housing Task Force
Action Requested: Appoint a Chatham Commissioner to the Chatham Affordable Rental Housing Task Force
Introduction & Background: In accord with the Board of Commissioner’s goal to provide affordable rental housing in Chatham County, the county has contracted with Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG) to support this goal. County staff has collaborated with the town managers and TJCOG to develop a model for a time-limited task force to address affordable rental, with a focus on the towns. The recommendation includes creating a task force composed of a Chair, who is a community leader, and one elected official from the county and each town to serve as members. Committee membership will be extended to a Chatham County Commissioner, Goldston Board Member, Pittsboro Board Member, Siler City Board Member, and Cary Town Council Member. Dennis Streets, the director of the Council on Aging has agreed to serve as chair. Pittsboro, Siler City, and Goldston are expected to make appointments this month. The invitation has just been extended to Cary, so it may take more time for them to consider participation and appoint a representative.
It also recommended that the committee be established as a time-limited task force. The comprehensive land plan, which is well underway and is expected to be complete next spring, will include findings from the affordable housing element in the plan. Once comprehensive plan is complete, a recommendation for a permanent affordable housing committee will be made, with membership reflecting the goals of the plan.
Discussion & Analysis:
Budgetary Impact:
Recommendation: Motion to appoint a Chatham County Commissioner to the Chatham Affordable Rental Housing Task Force.