Vote on a request by Nicolas Robinson, on behalf of NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC, for a Compact Community Ordinance (CCO) Waiver to Allow PSNC Regulator Station in 15-501 Perimeter Buffer.
Action Requested:
Request by Nicolas Robinson, on behalf of NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC, for a Compact Community Ordinance ("CCO") Waiver to Allow PSNC Regulator Station in 15-501 Viewshed Buffer.
Introduction & Background:
NNP-Briar Chapel is requesting a waiver from the viewshed buffer requirements of the Compact Communities Ordinance as applied to Briar Chapel through the approved conditional use permit. Existing buffer locations were depicted in the 2005 Briar Chapel approved master plan and reconfirmed with the 2012 and 2014 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) amendments. The buffers for this request are located within an area labelled as SD-West on the approved master plan. The specific request is to allow for the encroachment of a PSNC regulator station within the 50' viewshed buffer.
Discussion & Analysis:
The Chatham County CCO includes the following standards:
9.3 Viewshed Buffers
Viewshed buffers shall be utilized in order to minimize the impacts of compact communities on pre-development roadway views.
The developer shall map all roadway views into the project and delineate a continuous buffer of at least one hundred (100) feet in width. The buffer shall be measured at right angles to the edge of the roadway right of way into the compact community.
The Chatham County Board of Commissioners may allow a reduction in the viewshed buffer width required by this ordinance of up to fifty percent (50%) if it determines that the impact of the compact community is adequately mitigated by community design, topography, and/or guidelines for outdoor lighting such as those included in the proposed Chatham County lighting ordinance.
Section 15. Waiver, "With the approval of the Board of Commissioners, the requirements of this ordinance may be adjusted, modified, reduced or waiv...
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