Receive a presentation from the Conservation Working Group
Introduction & Background: The Conservation Working Group (CWG) is an intragovernmental initiative that seeks to bring together and promote collaboration among the 13 different Chatham County departments/agencies whose work addresses the County’s environmental goals. Each department selected a staff representative to attend monthly meetings. In December of 2023, the Board of Commissioners (BOC) received a presentation that introduced the CWG and solicited feedback on how the BOC preferred to receive updates from the working group. The BOC asked for quarterly updates, alternating between a written update via email and an in-person presentation. The written update on the first quarter of 2024 was included in a weekly update email to the BOC in early May.
Discussion & Analysis: The presentation will provide an overview of the ongoing and recently completed conservation work from across the member departments and will highlight some upcoming collaborative efforts within the CWG. Conservation updates will be sorted into the following categories: Land, Watershed Protection, Climate/Resilience, and Natural Resources.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: The CWG was formed in an effort to better coordinate Chatham County’s progress towards achieving the environmental goals within the Comprehensive Plan.
Budgetary Impact: There is no budgetary impact from this agenda item.
Recommendation/Motion: Receive a presentation from the Conservation Working Group providing updates on conservation work across the Chatham County government.