Vote on a request to approve a contract with Xybix Systems Inc. in the amount of $487,285.61 and authorize the County Manager to execute the agreement.
Action Requested: Vote on a request to approve a contract with Xybix Systems Inc. in the amount of $487,285.61 and authorize the County Manager to execute the agreement.
Introduction & Background: This contract is for new console furniture for Emergency Communications at the backup EOC in Siler City and the new EOC in Pittsboro. The current furniture used in the backup 911 center is outdated and reached end of life.
Discussion & Analysis: The 911 center uses specialized console furniture to hold numerous monitors, computers, and other systems. The furniture is also ergonomically functional and allows staff the ability to stand while working. This purchase is through the H-GAC Cooperative Purchasing Program.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Ensure public safety through adequate resources, plans, and partnerships to keep people and property safe.
Budgetary Impact: $487,285.61
Recommendation: Approve the County Manager to execute the agreement.