Vote to approve the naming of five private roads in Chatham County listed as Honey Bear Hollow, Songbird Meadow Ln, Murugan Circle, Main Temple Ave, and Eco Garden Ave
Introduction & Background: The Chatham County Commissioners adopted an ordinance providing the establishment for the naming of private roads in Chatham County. The Office of Emergency Operations has received five petitions requesting the naming of five (5) private roads located in Chatham County on private property. These petitions are in order, complete and bear the proper number of required signatures.
Discussion & Analysis: As part of its plan to develop the Enhanced-911 Emergency Response System, there is a vital need to maintain the County's established system providing for the naming of private roads. This is important so that there can be no duplications or similarities of these assigned names within Chatham County which could result in confusion and/or delay in the response to these roads, should an emergency exist in that location.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan:
Budgetary Impact: The cost of road signage for these roads will be $78.00 per sign. The maximum cost will be $390.00. The Chatham County Commissioners have decided to absorb this cost for the making and installation of these private road signs.
Recommendation/Motion: Motion to approve the naming of five private roads in Chatham County listed as Honey Bear Hollow, Songbird Meadow Ln, Murugan Circle, Main Temple Ave, and Eco Garden Ave.