Introduction of Riley Pankow, Chatham County’s Youth Voice representative at the NC Association of County Commissioners Conference.
Action Requested: Meet Youth Voice Representative Riley Pankow
Introduction & Background: The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners is proud to announce that YouthVoice will return for a ninth year at the 111th Annual Conference, Aug. 23-25 in Catawba County. YouthVoice provides county commissioners with the opportunity to connect with the next generation of leaders. The event brings together Youth Delegates from 4-H Youth Development clubs and Boys and Girls Clubs of North Carolina.
YouthVoice, which takes place on Friday and Saturday of the NCACC's Annual Conference, offers sessions that help youth gain a better understanding of what county governments do and the role of commissioners as the governing body for counties, and provides multiple opportunities for youth and county officials to connect.
Discussion & Analysis: County officials will also have the opportunity to meet their county’s Youth Delegate prior to the conference. In order to qualify to attend, Youth Delegates must speak at a Board of County Commissioners meeting prior to YouthVoice and submit a photo of themselves with their Board of Commissioners.
The Association strives to bring a diverse mix of youth representatives age 14-19 from each of North Carolina’s 100 counties to YouthVoice.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: N/A
Budgetary Impact: N/A
Recommendation: Meet Youth Voice Representative Riley Pankow