Vote on a request to approve a Department of Social Services MOU with NC Department of Health and Human Services and authorize the County Manager and DSS Director to sign the MOUS as required by NCGS 108-74.
Action Requested: Vote on a request to approve a Department of Social Services MOU with NC Department of Health and Human Services and authorize the County Manager and DSS Director to sign the MOUS as required by NCGS 108-74.
Introduction & Background: A requirement of HB 630 is for all departments of social services to enter into a written agreement each year that specifies mandated performance requirements and administrative responsibilities with regard to all social services programs other than medical assistance.
Discussion & Analysis: Medical Assistance performance requirements are established in separate legislation and are not included. Performance standards included in the MOU are already requirements and MOU includes a provision for the establishment of accurate data by NC DHHS.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: NA
Recommendation: Motion to approve a Department of Social Services MOU with NC Department of Health and Human Services and authorize the County Manager and DSS Director to sign the MOUS as required by NCGS 108-74.