Vote on a request to approve a match for the 2018 Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant
Action Requested: Vote on a request to approve a match for the 2018 Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant
Introduction & Background: The Solid Waste & Recycling Department is working with the Parks and Recreation Department to improve recycling available at each of the five county parks. The requested funding will be used to purchase enough recycling containers to have one next to each trash can at all of the parks. We are also requesting funding to have additional recycling containers available for large events, such as summer camps and family fun days. We are also requesting funds for signs to go at each of the recycling containers.
Currently, two parks have minimal recycling available and the other three parks have none. Providing recycling containers next to each trash can will be an improvement in customer service.
Discussion & Analysis: By providing these recycling containers, there will be an increase in recycling, which will result in a reduction in the amount of waste. This reduction in waste should result in a decrease in the frequency the trash containers at each site are picked up by a private hauler. A reduction in tonnage and pickups should result in cost savings for the county as they currently pay the hauler per pick up.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Become more resilient by mitigating, responding and adapting to emerging threats. Improve and increase food waste and recycling systems
Budgetary Impact: $3,000 match for $15,000 grant. $3,000 match will be requested with general funds in the FY19 budget.
Recommendation: Motion to approve a match for the 2018 Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant