Vote to accept $1,168 in Child Fatality Case Reporting funds from NC DHHS
Introduction & Background: The NC Child Fatality Prevention System is a statewide multi-disciplinary system that was developed in the 1990’s consisting of the North Carolina Child Fatality Prevention Team, North Carolina Child Fatality Task Force and local teams (CFPTs and CCPTs).
This Agreement Addendum provides funding for the Local Health Department to prepare and begin using the National Fatality Review Case Reporting System (NFR-CRS) and to support CFPT efforts. Funds were appropriated by the North Carolina General Assembly to support implementation of the changes authorized by NCSL 2023-134 to restructure child death reviews by Local Teams and to offset the costs associated with Local Team participation in NFR-CRS.
Discussion & Analysis: These funds will be used to support team activities, including holding regularly scheduled meetings, as well as initiatives to address leading causes of preventable child fatalities in the county.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Plan Goal #10: Foster a healthy community.
Budgetary Impact: No matching funds required.
Recommendation: Motion to accept $1,168 in Child Fatality Case Reporting funds from NC DHHS.