Vote on a Quasi-Judicial request for a Conditional Use Permit for a solar farm on Parcel No. 5751, being approximately 46.80 acres, located at 2361 Corinth Rd., Moncure, Cape Fear Township.
Action Requested:
Vote on a Quasi-Judicial request for a Conditional Use Permit for a solar farm on Parcel No. 5751, being approximately 46.80 acres, located at 2361 Corinth Rd., Moncure, Cape Fear Township.
Introduction & Background:
A quasi-judicial public hearing was held on June 18, 2018. Planning staff presented the request and the applicant's representatives, Attorney Karen Kemereit and two expert witnesses, provided a brief presentation of the application. No-one else spoke and there were questions from the Commissioners.
Some areas of discussion from the Commissioners included the size of the facility and how many residences it could serve, would the land be leased or owned by Strata Solar, how would the value of the property change for tax purposes, and the clearing of trees and maintaining the buffers.
The applicant stated this would be a 5 megawatt facility that could potentially serve up to 200 residences. The solar company will be leasing the land and will not take ownership. The property is currently in land use by the tax office for an agricultural exemption which allows for a reduced tax rate. That rate will be removed and the new rate according to the use of the property should begin once the facility is completed. The Chatham County Appearance Commission has reviewed the proposed site plan and noted the clearing of trees as well. There is a vegetated buffer that will remain and will be supplemented with other plantings as needed.
The Planning Board met at their regularly scheduled meeting on July 10, 2018. Their findings and any discussions are not below in BOLD.
Discussion & Analysis:
The property is currently zoned R1, Residential and the adjoining properties are zoned R1; R1 with a conditional use permit for a RV Park to the east; R1 w...
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