Vote on a request to approve Hazen & Sawyer to develop a comprehensive water and wastewater utility master plan and approve Renee Paschal, County Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the County, after review by the County Attorney.
Action Requested: Vote on a request to approve Hazen & Sawyer to develop a comprehensive water and wastewater utility master plan and approve Renee Paschal, County Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the County, after review by the County Attorney.
Introduction & Background:
Chatham County, Goldston, Siler City, and Pittsboro intend to develop a comprehensive water and wastewater utility master plan that will facilitate a regional coordinated effort to meet their projected water and wastewater needs in both the near term and long term (to the year 2040).
Discussion & Analysis:
Use existing water billing data and/or other metrics such as wholesale billing usage to estimate per person water usage for each municipality. Utilize water plant production data or metered flows to establish total existing water demand (to include flushing needs). Water usage for non-residential users will be assumed to be proportional to current usage, or altered to reflect increased usage as anticipated by each Partner and/or to account for the development of the mega sites. Estimate future water demands for the year 2020, 2030 to 2040, and an “ultimate” demand at year 2070 to comply with state regulatory planning guidance for 50 year water supply planning.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan:
Provide infrastructure to support desired development and support economic and environmental objectives.
Budgetary Impact: Contract amount is $110,000
Vote on a request to approve Hazen & Sawyer to develop a comprehensive water and wastewater utility master plan and approve Renee Paschal, County Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the County, after review by the County Attorney.