Vote on a Request to approve competitive bid exemption for standardization and current “sole source”, for the Chatham County Department of Social Services new software suite, Compass by Northwoods Consulting Partners Inc.
Action Requested: Vote on a Request to approve competitive bid exemption for standardization and current “sole source”, for the Chatham County Department of Social Services new software suite, Compass by Northwoods Consulting Partners Inc.
Introduction & Background: The North Carolina General Statute 143-129(e)(6) authorizes Local Governments to purchase without bidding when standardization is the over-riding consideration and price competition for a product is not available.
The Compass software suite is proprietary software owned and controlled by Northwoods. The suite includes Compass Connect for Data Transfer, specifically developed for county agencies in North Carolina using NC FAST.
Discussion & Analysis: Chatham County Department of Social Services has reviewed software solutions to improve the client based database software and interacting with the state required module NC FAST. The Compass software suite is the sole solution for the desired connectivity. Northwoods Consulting Partners is the sole provider for the Compass suite, including the Compass Connect for Data Transfer.
Budgetary Impact: The DSS software upgrade is a current CIP project :
Recommendation: Motion to Approve competitive bid exemption for standardization and current “sole source”, for the Chatham County Department of Social Services new software suite, Compass by Northwoods Consulting Partners Inc.