Vote to approve a contract with Laughlin-Sutton Construction Co. in the amount of $571,100.00 for the Goldston Library renovation project
Introduction & Background: The Goldston Library received a substantial donation allowing them to pursue some renovations and an addition to their existing facility This will provide them with additional square footage to accommodate more patrons and allow for more programs. Design and bidding for the project has been completed and a low, responsive bidder has been identified.
Discussion & Analysis: Laughlin-Sutton Construction Co. the low responsive, responsible bidder and upon approval of this contract, the contractor will be able to begin demolition/construction with an anticipated 11 month duration for completion.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Provide infrastructure to support desired development; Become more resilient; Ensure public safety through adequate resources, plans, and partnerships.
Budgetary Impact: This project is proceeding in accordance with the renovations budget and is being funded by private donations. The requested contract amount is $571,100.00.
Recommendation/Motion: Motion to approve a contract with Laughlin-Sutton Construction Co. in the amount of $571,100.00 for the Goldston Library renovation project.