Vote on a request to approve the Valve and Fire Hydrant Asset Management Program Contract and authorize the County Manager to execute the Contract.
Action Requested: Vote on request to approve the Valve and Hydrant Program and approve Renee Paschal, County Manager, to sign the contract on behalf of the County.
Introduction & Background: The County has over 3,500 valves of various sizes and approximately 1,600 fire hydrants that need to be mapped. Bids were sought through the RFP process and we received two responses, one from Utility Service (Suez) in the amount of $299,399.00 and one from Envirolink in the amount of $582,290.00.
Discussion & Analysis: The Contractor shall develop, plan and execute a program that will include the following activities for each valve and fire hydrant in the County: locate, identify, assess, clean out, inspect, exercise, flow test, perform manufacturer’s scheduled maintenance, perform minor repairs, record mapping grade GPS data, document, create a deliverable database, create work orders, and analyze the results.
Budgetary Impact: Funding approved in FY17 budget.
Recommendation: Approve Utility Service (Suez) contract in the amount of $299,399.00 for the Valve and Fire Hydrant Asset Management Program and approve Renee Paschal, County Manager, to sign the contract on behalf of the County.