Vote on a Request to approve the bid from Bar Construction in the amount of $264,840 for Collection Center Improvements and Authorize County Manager to execute the contract.
Action Requested: Vote on a Request to approve the bid from Bar Construction in the amount of $264,840 for Collection Center Improvements and Authorize County Manager to execute the contract.
Introduction & Background: The Solid Waste & Recycling Division requested bids from licensed contractors to perform site improvements at four (4) collection centers. The work will include construction of stormwater basins at Bonlee and Siler City Centers and install concrete pads and asphalt resurfacing and patching at four (4) collection centers
Discussion & Analysis:
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Conserve natural resources: Construct stormwater basins at Bonlee and Siler City Centers.
Budgetary Impact: This was approved in the FY 18 Operating Budget.
Recommendation: Vote on a Request to approve Bar Construction as the lowest, responsible bidder for Collection Center Improvements and Authorize County Manager to execute the contract.