Vote on a request to approve Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Amendments as proposed by staff
Action Requested: Vote on a request to approve Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Amendments as proposed by staff
Introduction & Background: During the fiscal year, the budget must be amended as changing conditions warrant. The fiscal year 2017-2018 budget ordinance authorizes the County Manager to transfer funds within a department without limitation. The Manager may also transfer amounts of up to $5,000 between departments of the same fund and transfer amounts up to $50,000 from contingency with a memorandum report of such transfers to the Board. Resolution #2000-43 allows the Finance Officer to transfer amounts form the vehicle replacement fund for the purchase of vehicles approved for replacement in accordance with the fleet management replacement criteria. The Board must approve all other transfers.
Discussion & Analysis: The attached proposed amendments must be approved by the Board of Commissioners for fiscal year 2018.
The Social Services budget is being increased by a total of $74,986 to reflect an additional allocation of federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance funds.
Court Related Programs budget is being increased by $39,883 to cover grant expenses related to the Family Visitation Program.
The Sheriff’s budget is being increased by a total of $99,958 to cover grant expenses related to the DV Electronic Monitoring Program.
A transfer from contingency in the amount of $39,000 is being made to cover the unexpected replacement of a repeater and generator from the Telecommunications budget.
Budgetary Impact: The proposed amendments increase the General Fund by $224,827, with an increase to appropriated fund balance in the amount of $10,000. Transfers from contingency total $39,000.
Recommendation: Vote to approve budget amendments as proposed by staff.