Hold a public hearing Monday, October 17, 2016 to receive public comment on the draft of the Chatham County’s 2017 revaluation Schedule of Values
Action Requested: Hold a public hearing Monday, October 17, 2016 to receive public comment on the draft of the Chatham County’s 2017 revaluation Schedule of values.
Introduction & Background: NC General Statute 105-317 (c) mandates notice of the receipt and adoption by the Board of County Commissioners of either or both the true value and present-use value schedules, standards, and rules and notice of a property owner’s right to comment on and contest the schedules, standards, and rules.
Discussion & Analysis: Upon receipt of the proposed schedules, standards, and rules, the Board of Commissioners shall publish a statement in a newspaper having general circulation in the county stating:
a. That the proposed schedules, standards, and rules to be used in appraising real property in the county have been submitted to the Board of County Commissioners and are available for public inspection in the Assessor’s office; and
b. The time and place of a public hearing on the proposed schedules, standards, and rules that shall be held by the Board of County Commissioners at least seven days before adopting the final schedules, standards, and rules.
Budgetary Impact: None.
Recommendation: Hold a public hearing on Monday, October 17, 2016 as scheduled.