Vote to approve Great Trails State Grant application for Deep River State Trail Feasibility Study for Chatham County
Introduction & Background: The Deep River State Trail was authorized by the General Assembly back in 2007. The proposed concept was a land and paddle trail extending from Guilford County down to the mouth of the Cape Fear River in Moncure. This trail is identified in Chatham County’s 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. A feasibility study for this segment of trail has been included in the Deep River State Trail Advisory Committees 5-year plan and is a priority project for 2024.
Discussion & Analysis: The Deep River State Trail (DRST) is planned to be developed along the Deep River corridor in southern Chatham County. This will be a roughly 25-mile-long corridor that would be preserved either through easements or land acquisition along the river. The proposed plan would identify a trail alignment and provide a framework to advance trail development.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: This project relates to a number of the County’s comprehensive plan objectives including: Providing recreational opportunities and access to open space, fostering a healthy community, and providing infrastructure to support desired development and support economic and environmental objectives.
Budgetary Impact: Total project cost is $150,000. Program requires a 1:1 or 50% match. Grant request is $75,000 with $75,000 match.
Recommendation/Motion: Motion to approve Great Trails State Grant application for Deep River State Trail Feasibility Study for Chatham County.