Vote on a request to approve the exemption of permitting and planning fees for projects funded by Chatham County.
Action Requested:
Vote on a request to approve the exemption of permitting and planning fees for projects funded by Chatham County.
Introduction & Background:
The County currently collects permit fees and planning fees for projects funded by Chatham County for storm water, watershed, environmental health, building inspection, fire inspection, and planning. These fees are paid either by journal entry or check. County funded projects include County and public school facilities.
Discussion & Analysis:
The County makes payment to itself for permitting and planning fees for Chatham County funded projects. Also, the County includes the amount for building inspection fees in the money borrowed for new construction projects.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan:
The exemption of the fees will provide infrastructure to support desired development.
Budgetary Impact:
Reduction in revenue for storm water, watershed, environmental health, building inspection, fire inspection, and planning. There will also be a reduction in the amount of money borrowed for new construction.
Chatham County Board of Commissioner’s approval of the request to exempt storm water, watershed, environmental health, building inspection, fire inspection and planning fees for projects funded by the County.