Vote on a request to approve a legislative general use rezoning request by Brendie Vega, on behalf of Moncure Holdings, LLC & Moncure Holdings West, LLC, to rezone in full or a portion of Parcel No's. 92884, 92883, 5604, 5620, 5321, 5814, and 92449, being approximately 249.036 acres total, from R-1 Residential, to IH Heavy Industrial, located off Old US 1, Pea Ridge Rd, Christian Chapel Church Rd, and Moncure Flatwood Rd., Cape Fear Township.
Action Requested:
Vote on a request to approve a legislative general use rezoning request by Brendie Vega, on behalf of Moncure Holdings, LLC & Moncure Holdings West, LLC, to rezone in full or a portion of Parcel No's. 92884, 92883, 5604, 5620, 5321, 5814, and 92449, being approximately 249.036 acres total, from R-1 Residential, to IH Heavy Industrial, located off Old US 1, Pea Ridge Rd, Christian Chapel Church Rd, and Moncure Flatwood Rd., Cape Fear Township.
Introduction & Background:
A public hearing was held on February 15, 2021. Planning staff, Brendie Vega, representative for the property owner, Jason Kaplan, property owner, and Sam Rauf presented the item.
Donald Brown, a nearby property owner, voiced his concerns about the request for more industrial zoning and wanted to know why it was not done previously in 2018, what to expect, and had questions about the road.
Commissioner Dasher asked if his property was adjacent to the properties requested to be zoned, and they are not. He made the statement that these properties have been within the Moncure Megasite area since its inception.
Commissioner Howard asked where Mr. Brown's properties are in relation to the rezoning request. Staff displayed where Mr. Brown's properties are in relation to the request. They are about 1.3 miles south of the closest rezoning request off Moncure Flatwood Road.
Brendie Vega stated that their main goal is to set up the site to be more marketable. Sam Rauf gave input on behalf of the Economic Development Corporation t...
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