Vote to approve a contract with Waste Management to accept solid waste from the County Collection Centers
Introduction & Background: Compactor and bulky containers are taken from some of the Collection Centers and hauled to Waste Management transfer station in Sanford and Great Oak Landfill in Randolph County.
Discussion & Analysis: The majority of the municipal solid waste (MSW) tonnage is taken to Great Oak Landfill in Randolph County. The Waste Management transfer station in Sanford is used as an alternate disposal location because it is closer to some of the Collection Centers than the landfill, there is usually less wait time, and less wear and tear on the trucks. We sign agreements every fiscal year specifying the cost per ton at each disposal location.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Become more resilient by mitigating, responding, and adapting to emerging threats.
Budgetary Impact: Cost per ton $63.91 Sanford Transfer Station and $47.46 Great Oak Landfill is included in the FY 25 budget.
Recommendation/Motion: Motion to approve a contract with Waste Management to accept solid waste from the County Collection Centers.