Vote to approve Amended Project Ordinances
Introduction & Background: Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina states that a project ordinance shall be adopted by the governing board for all capital projects.
Discussion & Analysis: Attached are amended project ordinances for the Courthouse Annex Renovations, Chatham Grove Elementary School, Seaforth High School, and the Health Sciences Building. The project ordinances have been amended to reflect ending project balances. The projects will be closed at fiscal year end and any remaining balances transferred back to the Reserve Fund.
Budgetary Impact: The final project budgets are Courthouse Annex Renovations $2,952,991; Chatham Grove Elementary School $36,429,424; Seaforth High School $86,372,335; Health Sciences Building $16,597,691.
Recommendation/Motion: Motion to approve the amended project ordinances.