Vote on a request to approve a contract with Motorola in the amount of $15,760,254 and authorize the County Manager to execute the agreement.
Action Requested: Vote on a request to approve a contract with Motorola in the amount of $15,760,254 and authorize the County Manager to execute the agreement.
Introduction & Background: This is part of the approved CIP project for the county-wide Motorola P25 radio system upgrade. The current radio system has reached end-of-life and is no longer viable for our current needs or the future growth of the county.
Discussion & Analysis: The county radio system will be upgraded to the Motorola P25 700/800 MHz system in collaboration with the North Carolina Voice Interoperability Plan for Emergency Responders (VIPER) system.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Ensure public safety through adequate resources, plans, and partnerships to keep people and property safe.
Budgetary Impact: $15,760,254
Recommendation: Approve the County Manager to execute the agreement.