Vote to accept up to $78,000.00 in Medicaid funding for Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP/DA) equipment, home modifications and technology
Introduction & Background: The Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP/DA) is a cost-effective home and community-based program designed to assist families in caring for adults with medical disabilities instead of placing them in a nursing facility. Each beneficiary must meet the medical requirements for nursing facility care to be eligible for services, which include case management, in-home aide, respite care, consumer directed services, and other support services.
Discussion & Analysis: CAP/DA beneficiaries are eligible for services that provide equipment, physical adaptations, home modifications, safety adaptations, and other resources that fall under equipment, modification, and technology. Each beneficiary is eligible to receive up to $13,000 worth of these services over a five-year period. The Chatham County Public Health Department, which is the case management entity for CAP/DA services in the county, administers these funds and bills Medicaid based on utilization.
Since providers for these services were not previously available, these funds were not included in the Health Department’s budget. Service providers are now available in the county. This request will allow up to six (6) CAP/DA beneficiaries to receive up to the full amount of benefits. All expenditures will be reimbursed by Medicaid.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Plan Goal #10: Foster a healthy community.
Budgetary Impact: Any expended funds will be fully reimbursed by Medicaid.
Recommendation: Motion to accept up to $78,000.00 in Medicaid funding for Community Alternatives Program equipment, home modifications and technology.