Vote on a request to accept $3,248 CCHC Smart Start Funds.
Action Requested: Vote on a request to accept $3,248 Smart Start Funds.
Introduction & Background: The Child Care Health Consultation Program provides group trainings and on-site consultations to early childhood educators in licensed child care facilities in Chatham County. The trainings and on-site visits use evidence based and evidence informed methods to provide education, support and resources for achieving and maintaining best practices related to health and safety topics in the child care setting. Health and safety topics include childhood immunizations, medication administration, oral health, emergency preparedness, outdoor learning environments, childhood nutrition, infant and toddler physical activity, sanitation, and written policies.
Discussion & Analysis: Chatham County employees received an across the board 3% salary increase effective 7/11/2016, there was an increase in the cost of health insurance and an increase in the general retirement contribution. The Public Health Educator II position requires 2 years of experience to fully qualify for the position. In 2014 the employee in this position was hired as a trainee due to the lack experience needed to fully qualify for the position, therefore hired at a lower salary. Effective July 28, the employee will meet these requirements and a 2% salary increase will be implemented. This increase will bring her to the salary of a fully qualified Public Health Educator II. Smart Start is requesting additional funding to cover this expense for the full time (100%) Public Health Educator II/Child Care Health Consultant position.
Budgetary Impact: No Local Funding Requested.
Recommendation: Vote on a request to accept $3,248 CCHC Smart Start Funds.