Vote on a request to approve the FY 2016-2017 contract with the NC Forestry Service
NGS113-59 gives counties authority to enter into an agreement with the N.C. Department of Agriculture for forestry protection services. Historically, Chatham County has done this and agreed to pay 40% of the local budget.
Chatham County budgeted $112,700, with an additional $2,447 set aside in contingency to cover the potential increase in employee state benefits dependent on the final state budget. The additional funds were to cover the County’s portion of the increase in retirement benefits. This represents the County’s share of the budget as stated in the contract. Since the final state budget did provide an increase in employee salary and benefits, the total amount budgeted is $115,147. Because the amount of the contract exceeds $100,000, the Board of County Commissioners must approve it.
Funds for the contract were included in the FY 2017 budget. Any reductions in the State appropriation for Forestry would reduce the County’s share of costs. In addition, the County is billed for its share of actual costs, which will likely be less than the contract amount.
Motion to approve the ‘Agreement for the Protection, Development, and Improvement of Forest Lands in Chatham County, North Carolina’.