Vote on a request to approve submitting a Letter of Support for the Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro Metropolitan Planning (DCHC MPO) Organization Safe Streets for All Grant Application. This letter will showcase Chatham County’s support for the grant opportunities available to the DCHC MPO.
Action Requested:
Approve submitting a Letter of Support for the Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) Safe Streets for All Grant Application. This letter will showcase Chatham County’s support for the grant opportunities available to the DCHC MPO.
Introduction & Background:
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law enacted by Congress has allocated billions of dollars in funding for local infrastructure projects through competitive grants. The Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Grant Program funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. In accordance with the NCDOT Vision Zero policy to eliminate roadway deaths, the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organizations, of which Chatham County is a member agency, intends to submit an application. DCHC-MPO is seeking funding to development of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for regional improvements covering the urbanized area for which the DCHC-MPO coordinates and makes decisions on planning efforts.
Discussion & Analysis:
In an effort to strengthen its application, DCHC-MPO is requesting a signed Letter of Support from the governing body each member agency. In signing this LOS, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners would demonstrate the regional impact and benefit of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for the MPO region and for NE Chatham County.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan:
The resulting project from this grant would directly relate to the goals of the Transportation section in the Comprehensive Plan. The “Big Idea” for this section is that, “county residents of all ages and abilities can travel safely and easily through the County using a range of appropriate travel modes,” a shared goal between the County and the DCHC-MPO SS4A project outcomes. This project would also directly address Transportation Action Item 03 by focusing on the implementation of a Vision Zero plan and audit in our community.
Approve submitting a letter in support of DCHC-MPO’s application to the SS4A Grant Program.