Vote on a request to approve Chatham County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Adoption
Chatham County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Adoption
Action Requested:
Review and Adoption of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
Introduction & Background:
As a joint effort between Chatham County, the municipalities of Goldston, Pittsboro, and Siler City, the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization (TARPO), and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), a draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan has been developed for Chatham County. The CTP is a long range planning document that will assist local government and its representatives in making transportation decisions over the next 25-30 years.
The County’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) served as a steering committee for this project over the past five years. Public input meetings were held simultaneously with the countywide comprehensive plan’s public input meetings: June 21st at Horton Middle School in Pittsboro, June 22nd at the Earl B Fitts Community Center in Siler City (separate meeting from the comprehensive plan), and June 23rd at JS Waters Elementary School in Goldston. On August 23rd 2016, the TAC recommended final adoption of the CTP to the Chatham County Board of Commissioners.
CTP draft maps, supporting maps, public comment, and report can also be found at the following website <https://connect.ncdot.gov/projects/planning/Pages/CTP-Details.aspx?study_id=Chatham%20County> for review.
Pittsboro has temporarily been removed from the CTP process as they re-evaluate the impacts of Chatham Park. NCDOT and the TAC are aware of this change and recommend moving forward without Pittsboro. Once the update to Pittsboro’s plan is complete it will be incorporated into the countywide CTP as an amendment. After mutual adoption from Siler City, Goldston, and NC Board of Transportation, as well as TARPO endorsement, the CTP report will be finalized, printed, and distributed.
Discussion & Analysis:
NCDOT Staff from the Transportation Planning Branch and County Planning Department Staff will be available to answer any questions regarding the CTP.
1. Recommend adoption of the Resolution Adopting the Comprehensive Transportation Plan For Chatham County, North Carolina.