Receive presentation given by DCHC MPO Staff regarding the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Triangle region developed and coordinated by The Capital Area and the Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro MPOs and provide feedback regarding Chatham County Board of Commissioners general support for roadway, transit and bike/ped improvement and comments on specific projects.
Action Requested: Receive presentation given by DCHC MPO Staff regarding the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Triangle region developed and coordinated by The Capital Area and the Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro MPOs and provide feedback regarding Chatham County Board of Commissioners general support for roadway, transit and bike/ped improvement and comments on specific projects.
Introduction & Background: The Capital Area and the Durham Chapel-Hill Carrboro MPOs are coordinating to develop the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Triangle region. The MTP is the long-range plan for transportation improvements across the region. The federal government requires the DCHC MPO to update their Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) at least every four years. The 2050 MTP will identify the highway, public transportation, bicycle, pedestrian, and other transportation projects that the region plans to implement over the next thirty years to meet the MPO’s goals. The MTP has to be based on the future land use plans and policies of the jurisdictions in the MPO’s planning area, and must be fiscally-constrained, which means that the project costs have to be covered by the expected available revenues. As a practical matter, the MTP is important because the MPO requires projects that are submitted to the NCDOT prioritization process for possible state or federal funding must come from the MTP, and regulations require that all federally-funded projects must be in the MTP. In addition, local governments may use the MTP to reserve or dedicate right-of-way for future highway and rail transit projects.
Discussion & Analysis: CAMPO and MPO staff have completed the development and modeling associated with the Deficiencies and Needs of the anticipated transportation network, as well as three (3) transportation system alternative future scenarios for the 2050 MTP. With the MPO’s Goals and Objectives as a guide, the deficiency analysis served as a baseline to create the three alternative scenarios to meet anticipated future travel demand. Three (3) scenarios outlining alternative futures for the region’s transportation network have been developed based on robust community feedback during the goal setting stage. Input is needed now to help identify the elements from the modeled scenarios that should be emphasized and carried forward to the draft plan. MPO or local staff typically provide short updates to local boards and commissions to get their feedback on the various alternatives. The MPO is asking for feedback regarding Chatham County Board of Commissioners general support for roadway, transit and bike/ped improvement and comments on specific projects in the 2050 MTP.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: Goal: Promote a compact growth pattern by developing in and near existing towns, communities, and in designated, well planned, walkable, mixed-use centers.
Recommendation: Receive presentation about the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the triangle region and provide feedback regarding Chatham County Board of Commissioners general support for roadway, transit and bike/ped improvement and comments on specific projects.