Receive a presentation concerning a potential utility merger of Chatham County and TriRiver Water (Sanford)
Introduction & Background: Recently, the City of Sanford and the Town of Pittsboro merged their utility systems. The City of Sanford has since changed the name of their utility to better describe the regional nature of the system creating TriRiver Water. The Town of Siler City is currently working through the merger process with TriRiver Water and is expected to reach agreement this October with full transition by June 30, 2025.
Discussion & Analysis: Chatham County has purchased water from Sanford for years to supply water to its customers in the Asbury and Southwest water systems. Additionally, Chatham currently sends approximately 1 million gallons per day of water though its system from Sanford to Siler City. Chatham staff began discussions with TriRiver staff after the Pittsboro merger to discuss the transmission of water through the County’s Asbury water system to Pittsboro. During the opening of discussions about a potential merger with Siler City, we had additional discussions about transmitting water through the Southwest water system as well to get water to Siler City. By Interlocal Agreement, Sanford (TriRiver Water) is the water and wastewater service provider for the Vinfast and Moncure Area to support Chatham County’s Small Area Plan which is located in both the North and Asbury Water systems. As a minimum, TriRiver Water proposes to take over (Merge) Chatham County’s existing watermains and water customers in the proposed Vinfast/Moncure Service Area. TriRiver Water is considering connecting their water system to Chatham County’s North Water System to facilitate Chatham County providing water to Vinfast on a temporary basis should it be needed, and the connection can provide water on an emergency basis for both Chatham County and TriRiver Water. In addition, TriRiver Water is considering using Chatham County’s North Water System and Water Treatment Plant to provide water to Chatham Park on a temporary basis. These conversations ultimately led to the idea that a merger of the County water system with TriRiver Water was worth exploring.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: No relation has been identified at this time.
Budgetary Impact: No budgetary impact for this item.
Recommendation/Motion: Direct staff to explore a potential merger between Chatham County Utilities and TriRiver Water.