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File #: 18-2762    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 8/30/2018 In control: Planning
On agenda: 9/24/2018 Final action: 9/24/2018
Title: Vote on a request by Lee Bowman, Project Manager, on behalf of NNP Briar Chapel, LLC for subdivision preliminary and final plat approval of Final Right-of-Way Dedication Plat, Property of Chatham County for NNP-Briar Chapel parcel 88014 and for subdivision final plat approval of Final Plat for Briar Chapel, Phase 13 - Section 1 & 2, consisting of 38 lots on 15.80 acres located off Great Ridge Parkway, parcels #80418, #86285, and #2617.
Attachments: 1. More information on the Planning Department website


Vote on a request by Lee Bowman, Project Manager, on behalf of NNP Briar Chapel, LLC for subdivision preliminary and final plat approval of Final Right-of-Way Dedication Plat, Property of Chatham County for NNP-Briar Chapel parcel 88014 and for subdivision final plat approval of Final Plat for Briar Chapel, Phase 13 - Section 1 & 2, consisting of 38 lots on 15.80 acres located off Great Ridge Parkway, parcels #80418, #86285, and #2617.




Action Requested:

Vote on a request by Lee Bowman, Project Manager, on behalf of NNP Briar Chapel, LLC for subdivision preliminary and final plat approval of Final Right-of-Way Dedication Plat, Property of Chatham County for NNP-Briar Chapel parcel 88014 and for subdivision final plat approval of Final Plat for Briar Chapel, Phase 13 - Section 1 & 2, consisting of 38 lots on 15.80 acres located off Great Ridge Parkway, parcels #80418, #86285, and #2617.


Introduction & Background:

Zoning: Conditional Use District / Compact Community

Water System: Public, Chatham County

Sewer System: Private wastewater treatment plant

Subject to 100 year flood: Zone X 

General Information: Compact Community approved in 2005 for 2,389 dwelling units on 1,589 acres, permit revised in 2012, 2014, and 2017. Current number of dwelling units allowed based on the 2017 CUP amendment is 2650.

Reviewed: Under pre-2008 Subdivision Regulations


Discussion & Analysis:

The request before the Board is for final plat approval of 38 residential lots on 15.76 acres and for preliminary and final plat approval of right-of-way dedication at the intersection of Great Ridge Parkway and Mann’s Chapel. The preliminary plat for Briar Chapel, Phase 13 Sections 1 & 2 consisting of 43 lots was approved by the Board of Commissioners on December 18, 2017. Final plat for Phase 13, Sections 1 & 2 is for 38 lots due to a change in the lot segmentation. The lots front Great Ridge Parkway with private alleys. 

The NC Department of Transportation required that a right turn lane was needed on Mann’s Chapel Road to Great Ridge Parkway resulting in the addition of the preliminary/final request as part of the Phase 13 application submittal. The Board of Commissioners voted on May 21, 2018 to approve the right-of-way dedication and temporary construction easement on parcel 88014 at the intersection of Mann’s Chapel and Great Ridge Parkway. The parcel was dedicated to Chatham County by Newland Communities and contains a water tank.


Financial Guarantees: Under the pre-2008 Subdivision Regulations, a project must have a minimum of 40% of the infrastructure completed prior to submittal of a final plat and the roads must be accessible to emergency vehicles. The final plat is submitted with a request for a financial guarantee for completion of the necessary infrastructure. Per the cost letter submitted by Chris Seamster, PLA, dated July 13, 2018 the improvements are 48% complete, this total includes the turn lane construction at Mann’s Chapel Road. An updated cost letter may be submitted prior to final plat approval if additional work has been completed.  Staff recommends granting approval of the request for a financial guarantee. 

TRC Meeting: The Technical Review Committee met on July 18, 2018 to review the request. Staff discussion included right-of-way dedication, accessing the homes by alley, and residential parking. Tom Bender, Chatham County Fire Marshal had concerns about the fire apparatus coming off the private alleys because a fire truck may not be able to turn down the alleys. Mr. Bender forward an email dated July 18, 2018 stating that the area does meet the scope and intent of the NC Fire Code. However, it would be Mr. Bender’s recommendation that the two access point radius be evaluated to possibly accommodate the fire department access.  

Roads: Two alleyways Covil Trace and Crestridge Lane. There are eighteen on-street parking spaces located along Covil Trace and ten on-street parking spaces along Crestridge Lane.


Planning Board Discussion:

The Planning Board reviewed this item during their August 7, 2018 meeting and discussion included whether the lots are going to be townhomes or single family dwellings, lot widths, and parking. Chris Seamster, PLA, McKim and Creed,  explained these are single family home sites, a total of twenty-eight (28) on-street parking spaces are provided, and each of the thirty-eight (38) single family dwellings have two (2) parking spaces per resident and possibly more if the owners used their garages. There was also concern that the special flood hazard area (SFHA), as shown on the FEMA floodplain map, was not shown on the survey and that the stormwater pond could be an encroachment. There was general discussion about this concern and the applicant agreed they would evaluate the issue and provide an update. Mr. Seamster, per an email dated August 8, 2018, stated the improvements are outside the floodplain and the floodplain boundary will be shown on the final plat. The email also included three drawings identifying the SFHA in relation to the stormwater pond and there is no encroachment of the pond into the floodplain.


Board members discussed fire department access, fire hydrants, whether the lots can be accessed from Great Ridge Parkway, no parking signs along Great Ridge Parkway, and the easement around the stormwater pond shown on sheets 2 and 3. The Planning Board, by a vote of 8-0, recommends approval of the final plat with the addition of the following condition - Show the floodplain on the final plat and review the stormwater pond and associated maintenance area to ensure they are located outside of the floodplain. As previously noted, the project designer provided additional information after the planning board meeting about the location of the floodplain and stormwater pond. Based on the additional information staff has updated the additional condition to read - The final plat shall show the FEMA floodplain.


How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan:

The subject property is located in an area designated as Compact Residential which allows a mix of detached and attached residential units complemented by a variety of open spaces.  Phase 13 Sections 1 & 2 will have 38 single family detached homes and 11.231 acres of common area.  Compact Residential allows community centers, amenities, recreational uses, schools and churches. Briar Chapel development has various amenities including parks, walking trails, club house and pool, along with schools either within the development or on adjacent properties. Compact Residential areas are to be connected by a system of local and collector streets. Phase 13, Sections 1 & 2 has public roadways connecting to the balance of Briar Chapel.


The Planning Board, by unanimous vote, and Planning Department recommend granting the request for a financial guarantee and granting final plat approval of “Briar Chapel Development Phase 13, Section 1 &  2” and Final Right-of-Way Dedication Plat, Property of Chatham County for NNP-Briar Chapel, LLC with the following conditions:

1.                     The final plat not be recorded until the county attorney has reviewed and approved the form of the financial guarantee.

2.                     The final plat not be recorded until staff has received certification from the engineer that the roadway is accessible to emergency vehicles.

3.                     The final plat shall show the FEMA floodplain.