Vote on a request to approve the appointment of Hope Tally, Assistant Finance Officer, to Chatham County Interim Finance Officer, effective February 20, 2021 and until such time a permanent Finance Officer is appointed.
Action Requested: Approve the appointment of Hope Tally, Assistant Finance Officer, to Chatham County Interim Finance Officer, effective February 20, 2021 and until such time a permanent Finance Officer is appointed
Introduction & Background: North Carolina General Statute 159-24 provides that, each local government shall, at all times, have a finance officer appointed by the local government. Vicki McConnell, the County’s current Finance Officer, is planned to retire as of the end of the day on February 19, 2021. With McConnell’s planned retirement, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners is asked to approve the appointment of Chatham County Assistant Finance Officer, Hope Tally, to serve as the County’s Interim Finance Officer. This requested action recommends Ms. Tally to be appointed and serve as the County’s Interim Finance Officer beginning February 20, 2021 until such time that a permanent Finance Officer is appointed.
Discussion & Analysis: The recommended action to appoint Hope Tally to Interim Finance Officer will ensure compliance with the referenced statute and, on an interim basis, place the duties of Finance Officer on Hope Tally, who has the requisite knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience to competently discharge the duties of the same.
How does this relate to the Comprehensive Plan: N/A
Budgetary Impact: The recommended action for this interim appointment is not anticipated to have a net negative impact on the annual operating budget of the Finance Department or that of the General Fund.
Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Hope Tally, Assistant Finance Officer, to Chatham County Interim Finance Officer, effective February 20, 2021 and until such time a permanent Finance Officer is appointed.